Saturday, March 28, 2009

BabyCenter Horoscopes

Parent (Gemini) & Parent (Leo):
What a lively and fun parenting team! Together you are enthusiastic, vibrant, and able to adapt to the changing needs of your family. The Gemini parent is more cerebral, encouraging the little ones to talk and play, drawing out their curiosity, and engaging them in games, puzzles, or other fun mental activities. Your jokes make the little ones laugh, and they delight in your youthful energy and playful mind.

The Leo parent is also great fun but much more dramatic: You're the one who will help neighborhood kids put on plays in your backyard. You bring stability and leadership to the scene. Your children will look up to you, which suits you just fine! You'll be the more likely parent to assert your authority and insist on strong discipline and good behavior from your children.

About the Gemini Parent

The Great Communicator

As a Gemini parent, you bring a sense of fun and humor to your household. You love to challenge your family intellectually, so you can often be found working on crossword puzzles with your kids or playing a game of Scrabble after dinner.

Conversation and debate are an integral part of your family life. You love reading to your children, taking them to a movie, or watching a TV show together, and then discussing it afterward. You value a keen mind and will raise your kids to be as sharp-witted, curious, and opinionated as you are.

Communication is one of your strengths, but as a Gemini, you tend to intellectualize your emotions, getting caught up in logic and skimping on your intimate connections. So be sure to let your children know how you feel, especially how much you love and support them. And be openhearted and comforting when they need it.

Your children will adore your fun-loving, mercurial mind. Your tastes change often, and your kids are likely to find this both exciting and stimulating.

But be sure to provide them with a stable base as well. Children need continuity and routine, and it's important that you provide your kids with rituals they can count on, such as regular family dinners, a bedtime routine, time to do their homework and exercise, and so on. You can bring spontaneity and amusement into your family life in other arenas to far better effect.

About the Leo Parent

Proud and Warm

As a Leo parent, you're all about family loyalty, protection, and affection. You're passionate and genuine in your emotional displays, so your children know when you're in a warm, enthusiastic mood -- and they're equally aware of when you're feeling blue.

With your natural courage, energy, and love of the spotlight, you're likely to be the center of the family, and you set the emotional tone for your children and partner. When you're feeling appreciated, life shines for all of you, but when you're feeling overlooked or undervalued, you can become quite upset and sensitive indeed. Leo is the royal sign, after all, and royalty does not like to be snubbed!

Your children love your generosity, and you shower them with frequent gifts and other grand gestures. If your son or daughter has a friend over and everyone's in a fine mood, you'll take the whole bunch out for dinner, a movie, and some ice cream, or something even more extravagant, whether or not you can afford it. It's all about treating your loved ones well.

But you do like to be thanked for your efforts. You have a proud side, as well as an insecure one, and when your benevolence is not acknowledged, you can work yourself into a real state. That lion's roar will be heard through the whole household! Deep down, you know your family adores you as fiercely and unreservedly as you adore them, and any family conflict is generally sorted out quickly.

Parent (Gemini) & Child (Pisces)-
You'll have to stretch a bit to give your sweet, sensitive Pisces child the affection she craves -- "warm and cuddly" isn't exactly in your repertoire. But even though you might consider that kind of behavior a little on the sappy side, your little Pisces needs just that sort of closeness.

While you're more of a thinker, she's emotional and intuitive to the core. She senses the world through impressions and bits of instinct that kick in at unexpected times. You'll find that she's very tuned in to your needs and feelings, but no one knows better than you that your needs and feelings change fast. Some might even call you capricious -- and your Pisces child does best with a constant, sure connection. She needs your emotional support, so be sure to connect with her in that way without intellectualizing your feelings.

About the Pisces Child

The Dreamer

A deeply creative imagination enhances your Pisces child's experience of life, imbuing it with varied hues and shimmering possibilities. You might find her staring off into space, but there's plenty going on in that unfathomable mind of hers -- feelings, impressions, and bits of intuition woven together in a rich mosaic of perception.

Pisces children are incredibly tender and compassionate, and they need extra affection from their parents. Your little Pisces may want to be held nonstop as a baby and will still need plenty of hugs, kisses, and encouragement as she grows older.

Pisces children are often more concerned with their instincts than with logic, and more interested in their dreams or fantasies than in "real life." As the parent of a Pisces child, you can help to ground her in reality; avoidance and escapism are typical Piscean traits.

So is idealism. Your Pisces child may have grand visions of the way life could and should be, which will then fall flat in the harsh light of reality.

Since your little Pisces is so emotionally sensitive (as well as physically and psychically), you'll need to be careful which people and influences you expose her to and what you feed her. Don't be surprised if she brings home stray kittens and other friends in need. Her heart's capacity to love and serve is enormous -- sometimes to a fault.

Your Pisces child needs to protect herself against people who would take advantage of her giving and gullible nature, and that's one area in which you, as her parent, can step in.

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