Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I knew this day would come. I wondered several times what it would be like and how I would feel. I don't know how I feel. I want to take comfort in the fact that she will be in heaven but some weird part of me is scared that it might not be true. I am also scared for her. What is it gonna feel like? What will it be like? A family friend wrote this to my sister: "I am so sorry to hear that Michelle for your sake and your families! I hope these days will be filled with peace, closeness and even joy that comes from God. I picture God, in heaven, eagerly waiting for your mom to come join him for a great walk and talk together. What a joy for her to be whole and well again. I will be praying for all of you! What a hard time for you."
I hope it's true.


  1. Melissa,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. I hope you are able to find comfort and peace.

    Much love,


  2. Still thinking about you all every day...
