I am just going to lose my mind. Will has been pushing every limit he can. Nothing we seem to do affects him. You can yell, spank, put him in time-out and he thinks it's a game and laughs. I feel like we are at a dead end. I mean what do you do?! Bedtime is one of our biggest struggles lately. I finally took him blanket away at bedtime. That made a pretty big impact. He bawled and I said no. I am hoping he stops being so strong willed. I should probably realize he will always be that way since that is how his Mother is also.
If it's not a bedtime meltdown then it any time I say "no". These are usually shorter outbursts but include, and are not limited to, throwing himself on the floor, kicking, hitting (me or any object in striking distance), screaming and crying. I just refuse to have him act this way. It's ridiculous. It should not be a meltdown every time. I do feel like he understands so I don't think he should be doing these things.
I guess it is just one day at at time, which seems like an eternity right now!
I'm right there with ya on the tantrum deal. It makes me feel like I'm doing the worst job ever, but it is just a phase my mom says and "they alllllllll go through it."
ReplyDeleteI have found it helps now if I give Ben choices like, "Do you want to do A or B?" Threats also seem to work at least for now. Ignoring the tantrum sometimes works, consoling sometimes works, giving warnings, counting to 3.
You are doing a great job - don't beat yourself up too much!