A Goodbye To A Dear Friend (written by Lynn Wiley. My Mom's best childhood friend.)
I have witnessed the final chapter in my dear friend, Louann's life unfold over the
past couple of months, and sorely need to vent my breaking heart. While our long
friendship, ended only by her youthful passing, has brought me to tears many times
these past few weeks, nothing has touched my heart more profoundly as the
devotion, self-sacrifice, steadfast love and total commitment to her that her
family's core essence embraced. Abundantly blessed (despite physical affliction),
she was the recipient of a love so deep and so wide that it held no boundaries.
An indescribable love, that could only be commanded by a virtuous human being.
In Jim, she found her soul mate, a spouse who embodied God's mandate to love
his wife, even as Christ loved the church. Through Louann's exemplary actions as
a Christian daughter, compassionately caring for her elderly mother, was laid the
foundational framework for the very reverence, admiration, commitment and love
we've seen her own daughters lavish upon her these past few weeks. It is almost
unfathomable for us to even imagine that she could ever possibly been loved
more. Mortal in our limitations, we could not be more wrong. Even in our knowing
that she is, indeed, loved more & happy beyond our comprehension, we are left
here, still holding unto this enormous mass of love we have for her, and not
knowing what to do with it. We are just not ready to give it to someone else, because
it is for Louann, and Louann alone. Over time, as we journey through the grieving
process, we will give it up though. albeit just a little bit at a time, and never all of
it, but always keeping just enough to fill that space in our hearts that will always
be reserved for Louann, and for Louann alone.
past couple of months, and sorely need to vent my breaking heart. While our long
friendship, ended only by her youthful passing, has brought me to tears many times
these past few weeks, nothing has touched my heart more profoundly as the
devotion, self-sacrifice, steadfast love and total commitment to her that her
family's core essence embraced. Abundantly blessed (despite physical affliction),
she was the recipient of a love so deep and so wide that it held no boundaries.
An indescribable love, that could only be commanded by a virtuous human being.
In Jim, she found her soul mate, a spouse who embodied God's mandate to love
his wife, even as Christ loved the church. Through Louann's exemplary actions as
a Christian daughter, compassionately caring for her elderly mother, was laid the
foundational framework for the very reverence, admiration, commitment and love
we've seen her own daughters lavish upon her these past few weeks. It is almost
unfathomable for us to even imagine that she could ever possibly been loved
more. Mortal in our limitations, we could not be more wrong. Even in our knowing
that she is, indeed, loved more & happy beyond our comprehension, we are left
here, still holding unto this enormous mass of love we have for her, and not
knowing what to do with it. We are just not ready to give it to someone else, because
it is for Louann, and Louann alone. Over time, as we journey through the grieving
process, we will give it up though. albeit just a little bit at a time, and never all of
it, but always keeping just enough to fill that space in our hearts that will always
be reserved for Louann, and for Louann alone.
(My Dad's comment back)
I just saw the letter you posted to Lou. It was indeed a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. You could feel the passion that it was written with. For me, Lou's passing is bittersweet. My "Hero" is finally at peace. She taught me so much, especially after she was diagnosed with MS. She showed me what faith, hope and especially what love truly was. When we first met, we were attracted to each other physically and emotionally. Then, after we were married, our love grew and we became one. Later, after the MS became part of her life, our love changed. It, the MS, challenged our love. For me, there was this beautiful woman who years earlier said "for better or worse". I also remember saying those very same words. Lynn, I prayed to our Lord many times and asked that He would pass that MS to me instead. She suffered so much, yet through that suffering, she remained strong. I was truly amazed. It was only after years of CONSTANT pain and the inability to move,that she slowly was losing her will to fight. That was so hard for me to watch and be able to do nothing physically. Day by day, things kept getting worse. Then, she had trouble swallowing. When she would take a drink, there were times she would choke. She fought hard! She finally came to a moment in her life that she was no longer in control. Lynn, that moment was the hardest moment in my life. She turned to look at me, stared into my eyes and softly said" it's time for me to go home". I will never forget those words. It felt as if part of me was dying. She taught me what real love is. Our love was now complete. I learned to love her absolutely and completely. There is no room for any other. I gave her all. The Lord answered my pray on Sept. 17, 2009, at 7:10 and healed her as he called her home to be with Him. I will always love her. Jim