Every year I try to get better and better about the Christmas present thing. I thought for sure this year I had it under control. I started shopping in November. Now we are only 16 days away from Christmas and I still have stuff to get and the money supply is quite low. Plus one of the family Christmas gatherings is on the 20
th so I have even less time to buy for that!
Once again this year I am going to have to tell Jeff that we can't get Christmas presents for each other. I hate doing that but I don't think we can afford it. I had some really good ideas for him this year:(
We won't get a break after Christmas because it's both of his brother's birthdays plus his Dad's and his aunt's. There is four more presents to buy. Not to mention that after Christmas it will be eight weeks until Will arrives. We still have stuff to buy for his room and I don't even have the mattress for the crib purchased yet!
I just want to stay in bed today and try to forget all these things. Unfortunately, I have to work and I just feel like being in sweatpants... and I have this
uncontrollable urge to just cry!