Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tag you're it... or wait there is no else to be it....

The task is to take the sixth folder on your comp and pull up the sixth pic and describe it. Then, tag four others. Jessie tagged me and I would tag four others but Jessie and Martie are my only "blogging buddies":)

This pic was taken at Bennigan's on my 24th birthday (June 11, 2007). It's Michelle, me, Jeff, Casey and Jonesy. I forgot how long my hair was then! It has taken me almost 2 years to get it back to that length! Yikes! I also just noticed that my face looks very round:/ Although, I did enjoy Jeff's hair long I'm kinda glad he went back to it being short:)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Every year I try to get better and better about the Christmas present thing. I thought for sure this year I had it under control. I started shopping in November. Now we are only 16 days away from Christmas and I still have stuff to get and the money supply is quite low. Plus one of the family Christmas gatherings is on the 20th so I have even less time to buy for that!
Once again this year I am going to have to tell Jeff that we can't get Christmas presents for each other. I hate doing that but I don't think we can afford it. I had some really good ideas for him this year:(
We won't get a break after Christmas because it's both of his brother's birthdays plus his Dad's and his aunt's. There is four more presents to buy. Not to mention that after Christmas it will be eight weeks until Will arrives. We still have stuff to buy for his room and I don't even have the mattress for the crib purchased yet!
I just want to stay in bed today and try to forget all these things. Unfortunately, I have to work and I just feel like being in sweatpants... and I have this uncontrollable urge to just cry!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sleep... or lack of....

So I have been up since 3:45am. Well, at least that's when I looked at the clock. I have probably been up since before then. I just can't get the right amount of sleep while I am pregnant. My body is tired but my mind is racing. I can only sleep in two positions... on my right side or on my left. That's not usually the way I sleep. I switch from my stomach to my back to my side and so on. Now that I am pregnant this is no longer an option. If I am not waking up every hour to pee then I am waking up to switch sides because my hips are aching! I feel like an old woman. I still have another 15 uncomfortable weeks to go. I shouldn't really complain, according to some of friends my belly is actually small for being 25 weeks pregnant. So I am grateful. It's just hard to get the sleep I need lately. I guess this is just preparing me for when Will arrives and I won't be getting any sleep at all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The work has begun...

The work has begun on Will's room and it seems to be moving quickly. I am so excited we should be able to paint in the next week! These are the "before" pics... well a little bit of work has been done in these pics but it's pretty rough. You'll notice the black wall. You can thank the previous owner's for wallpapering over this wall instead of priming and painting it! Keep in mind this was the only wall in the room that was wallpapered! Whoever "finished" this room off did a really poor job. Sad... because we have to take care of what they didn't!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Update on Will...

I pretty much feel Will moving all the time now. It's a pretty weird experience. Not in a bad way, it's just a little strange that there is a little person inside me moving around. My belly is starting to grow. I notice it more everyday. I would say that is the hardest part. Watching it get bigger and bigger is a little uncomfortable. I'm only 24 weeks so I still have another 16 weeks to get even bigger!

We have fully cleaned out Will's new room. It's all ready to start work on. We had someone out to look at replacing the windows and we are having someone else out to look at the ceiling/sheetrock that needs to be done. Once those tasks are complete it will be easy. We'll just have to paint, lay the carpet, put in the closet organizer and then the fun part, DECORATE! I mostly just want to get to the fun part. I also can't wait to get the crib set-up. I've been dying to do that. I think we have decided on paint colors. So I feel like we're making progress. As soon as his room is done I will feel a lot better!

Friday, October 24, 2008

What a crappy day. It started off great. I was on my way to get my hair colored so I was pretty excited. Well 2+ hours and $100 later I'm not too sure about the color. I wanted a warm blonde color (think Jennifer Aniston season 5 of Friends or LC from the hills) and I'm afraid it looks a bit brassy/orange. After that I needed an oil change (since I'm about 3,000 miles overdue and Jeff is pretty pissed that I let it get that bad) and I'm informed that my battery is bad and could pretty much die at anytime. My car is mostly getting it's power from the alternator, which cannot be good. Did you know that a battery is about $70?! I don't have money for that because I wasted it on the crappy dye job I got today!
While this is all going on I am waiting for a call from the clinic to find out if I need to come in or if they can just give me a prescription for a bladder infection. I called them at 9am this morning in hopes to resolve this quickly but instead I spent all day calling them back to find out what they wanted me to do. At one point the nurse asked me if I had felt the baby move at all today? After I was done talking to her I was very concerned. If they felt the need to ask me that does that mean that a bladder infection could be a serious harm to my baby?! If that is the case, don't you think they would want to resolve this issue quickly and get me on an antibiotic?! I never got a call back from the nurse so I had to call the same day clinic (because the clinic was already closed) to try to iron it all out. I finally found out that they did prescribed me something but didn't inform me or have it called into my pharmacy! I was so mad! I had been hanging around Cambridge all day waiting so that I would have to make a trip back up there if they called in a prescription for me.
Then I went to Target to wait for my prescription and to update my registry. I had some things to add and other things to delete. I print my registry and there are things missing on it and things that I didn't even register for! After I fixed all of it I headed home to relax. I checked my registry online and half the stuff I added is not on there. The things I deleted are still on there and doesn't recognize my e-mail and password so I can't make the appropriate changes! Now I'm gonna have to call Target and try to get it all figured out. Another pain in my ass. Seriously! This is my day off! You have to be kidding me. Can anything go right for me?
I had hoped to do some work on the babies room but now I'm so tired from running around I just want to relax. Tomorrow starts a 2 day inventory at the store and it's going to be quite tedious. We are overstocked on product and it's going to be a big job. I just wanted a day that went well.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here it is!

Here is my first blog! It feels so monumental! So I don't know much about blogging. I'm not really sure there is much to know... it pretty much doesn't matter because I only know two other people who blog so I won't have a big "audience".
Today I realized that my belly is actually getting noticeably bigger. Along with that my ass has started to widen, my thighs may be growing and let's not forget about the hips. I suppose you could say I am gaining a "motherly figure" but I feel that just means I'm gonna look like one of those women wearing the 1980's "mom jeans". It's totally strange. As a woman (and maybe guys feel this way to some degree, but I obviously only have this one reference point), I have been taught that I should be thin and pretty. You worry all the time about how you look in your clothes then when you get pregnant you are somehow supposed to turn those feelings off and be comfortable with how you body is ever changing. If I'm the only one who feels this way that's ok... but I'm not excited about my ass getting bigger and my thighs looking fatter everyday. If I'm vain then fine. It's just how I feel. I am completely aware that I'm am getting something incredible at the end of this journey, and it's totally worth it. But that doesn't mean I can't dislike some things along the way.